Hilton Sheffield Hotel

How to find us:
Hilton Sheffield Hotel,
Victoria Quays, Furnival Road,
Sheffield, S4 7YB
The Circle is located in the heart of Sheffield City Centre on Rockingham Lane, which runs between West Street and Division Street.
The Circle is within easy walking distance of many major bus routes and approximately a 10 minute walk from the train station and Sheffield Interchange. The Circle is very close to the Sheffield Supertram, which offers Park and Ride facilities, with the City Hall tram stop just 2 minutes walk away. There is also plenty of nearby parking available around the city centre, and The Circle offers an on-site bike park.
On foot
From Sheffield Train Station
Turn right onto Sheaf Street. Continue until Park Square roundabout (a bridge is available to get across the roundabout).
Continue straight ahead on the bridge until you reach Furnival Road on the opposite side of the roundabout.
Continue forward and the hotel is on your right hand side.
How to get there by road
From the M1 (North or South)
Take the M60, then M62 and then join the M1.
Exit at junction 33 continue on the Sheffield Parkway (which becomes the A57).
At the Park Square Roundabout take 4th exit.
Turn right at the traffic lights and follow signs for signs for Hilton.
How to get there by public transport
Sheffield Train Station
• Abbey Sheffield 0114 275 1111
• City Cars Sheffield 0114 265 1651
• Mercury Sheffield 0114 266 2662
What you will learn
The Inspection Dashboard has been created to support the NEW Inspection arrangements for 2016.
This powerful dashboard provides you with the tools to prepare for the NEW 2016 Inspection process.
OFSTED Inspectors will use the INSPECTION DASHBOARD for short inspections.
The NEW KS4 Life After RAISE focuses on providing technical guidance for using the Inspection Dashboard and the methodology
used to highlight strengths or weaknesses on the data contained in your School Inspection Dashboard.
This excellent training session provides an opportunity for you to gain outstanding guidance and advice to support your understanding why strengths
and weaknesses are highlighted and effective use of the Inspection Dashboard.
You will gain valuable information to assist you in interpreting the charts included on the Inspection Dashboard, will interactive analyse reports from your 2016 RAISEonline Summary Report by Pupil Groups. You will also learn about the progress, attainment as well as threshold measures, Attendance, Exclusions and Context in 2016 measures that have been used to calculate strengths and weaknesses across subjects and pupil groups highlighted on the dashboard.
Life After RAISE for Primary Schools - Agenda 9am – 3:30pm
New Inspection Summary Report Example Dashboard
Provisional 2017 KS2 Results
Compare School Performance Update 2017
Introduction to the New Service
• How to Navigate New RAISEonline Replacement Service
• Analysing ASP (Analyse School Performance)
- Key Stage 2
• Combined pupil groups
• Reading pupil groups
• Writing pupil groups
• Maths pupil groups
• Progress Scatter plots
• Attainment Scatter plots
- Key Stage 1 and Phonics
• Reading pupil groups
• Writing pupil groups
• Maths pupil groups
• Phonics pupil groups
• EYFS outcomes by pupil groups
- Question Level Analysis
• Ofsted Inspection Dashboard
• Considering your data from an inspectors perspective
- Driving School Improvement
• Identifying Next Steps School Improvement Priorities
• How to use New RAISE Replacement Service and Inspection Dashboard to drive School Improvement
• In-depth Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses
Life After RAISE for Secondary Schools - Agenda 9am – 3:30pm
New Summary OFSTED Inspection Dashboard Example
- Introduction to the New Service
• How to navigate New RAISEonline Replacement Service
• Analyse ASP (Analyse School Performance) reports
- Access Levels
• Secure Access Approver
• Local Authorities, MAT's and Diocese access
- Progress 8
• Pupil groups
• Scatter plot
- Attainment 8
• Pupil group
• Achieving A*-C Inc English and Maths
• Achieving English Baccalaureate
• Entering English Baccalaureate
• In education or employment after completing Key Stage 4
• Disadvantaged Pupils
- Ofsted
• Ofsted updates and the Inspection Dashboard
• How Ofsted will be viewing your data
• Considering your data from an inspectors perspective
- Driving School Improvement
• Identifying Next Steps School Improvement Priorities
• How to use New RAISE Replacement Service and Inspection Dashboard to drive School Improvement
• In-depth Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses
Agenda - Full Day KS5 Inspection Dashboard Course
Morning Session (9:00 - 12:00)
Headline measures from 2015/16
Understanding the significant changes to headline measures
• Progress
• Attainment
• English and GCSE re-sit progress
• Retention
• Destinations
16-19 Inspection Dashboard
Inspection Dashboard Overview
Understanding your Inspection Dashboard Strengths and Weaknesses
Interpretation and Analysis of your Inspection Dashboard
Draft Final Dashboard and Supplement for a College and a Sixth Form
Afternoon Session (13:00- 15:30/16:00)
Level 3 VA
Working with the Ready Reckoner
What is the ready-reckoner?
How will KS4 developments impact on its use?
How can you use it to support good and outstanding progress for all?
New Common Inspection Framework (CIF) and its implications for Post 16 providers
Understanding the New CIF
How to use the New CIF for rigorous and robust Self-Evaluation
Monitoring progress and demostrating effective leadership and management
WHY is analysing your RAISEonline Report so important?
When Ofsted visit your school they will wish to see evidence relating to your understanding of your RAISEonline Inspection Dashboard and your drive to raise Attainment and VA measures
in your school across subjects and pupil groups.
When judging achievement, inspectors must have regard for pupils’ starting points and age, and the progress that the lowest attaining pupils are making.
The NEW full day Inspection Dashboard RAISEonline Training course will take account of:
• learning and progress across Key Stages and different groups of pupils in your school, including disabled pupils, those who have special educational needs, ethnic minorities and those for whom the Pupil Premium provides support.
The New Full day Inspection Dashboard RAISEonline Training will also support your staff and governors to understand the way in which OFSTED Inspectors:
• Use, Interpret and Analyse your RAISEonline data in your Inspection Dashboard
• Judge pupils’ attainment and progress
• Make judgements about a school's effectiveness
OFSTED will also look for evidence relating to:
• pupils making rapid and sustained progress across English, Maths, EBACC and Open Elements as well as Science, Humanities and Languages Value Added.
• the learning, quality of work and progress of groups of pupils, particularly those who are disabled and those who have special educational needs.
• where the proportion making expected progress overall is lower than that found nationally, it is improving over a sustained period.
• the school takes effective action to enable most pupils, including SEN pupils to reach their potential.
• the standards of attainment of almost all groups of pupils are likely to be at least in line with national averages, with many pupils attaining above this.
The NEW Inspection Dashboard RAISEonline Training will help you Understand, Interpret and Analyse your Inspection Dashboard to support you to become Data Literate Leaders and meet the
New OFSTED expectations and provide quality evidence to support your school evaluations and school improvement.
This Inspection Dashboard RAISEonline training opportunity will also support you to become a Good/Outstanding school, well prepared for OFSTED by helping you:
• analyse your school progress across the school
• help you to ensure your school interventions have great, positive impact across all pupils and pupil groups in your school
The Inspection Dashboard RAISEonline Training will also provide you with the tools, knowledge and expertise to calculate your own pupil/school value added scores quickly and easily.
Throughout the training session you will complete a full analysis of your RAISEonline Inspection Dashboard and complete a next step action plan in response to your RAISEonline data.
Senior Management Teams/Data Managers will have the opportunity to put together a RAISEonline booklet summarising key Inspection Dashboard data information relevant for sharing with school
stakeholders and OFSTED.
We are the only National Training Company offering Interactive Inspection Dashboard RAISEonline Training linked to School Improvement, Leadership and Management and the New Ofsted Framework across schools nationally.
The RAISEonline Training combines Interactive guidance and support navigating your way through RAISEonline site features and functions to enable you to make best effective use of your data in supporting school evaluation and school improvement.
*This date is for Primary Schools. All training dates listed below will have separate Primary and Secondary training at different rooms. In London, the training date is different for each phase.
** This date is for Secondary Schools. All training dates listed below will have separate Primary and Secondary training at different rooms. In London, the training date is different for each phase.
Course Fee at Training Locations
Consultancy & Training |
Per Delegate Fee |
Free Telephone Consultancy Support |
Half Day |
£199** / £249* |
6 Months |
Full Day |
£249** / £349* |
12 Months |
* When you book for one delegate.
All prices are excluded from VAT.
** When you book for two or more colleagues, price is reduced by £100 for a full day course for each delegate. Colleagues may be from other schools. The cost for a full day's training is £249 per delegate if you book two or more colleagues instead of £349 per delegate. The cost for a half day's training is £199 per delegate if you book two or more colleagues instead of £249 per delegate. All prices are excluding VAT.
Consultancy & Training Course Fee at Your School
For any in-house enquiries, please contact us on 0844 504 5812.
Cluster of Schools
Many schools request a whole day training, combining RAISEonline Interactive training in the morning with FISCHER FAMILY TRUST training or one of our other RAISEonline Training Courses in the afternoon (view our electronic brochure for details of FFT Training and other RAISEonline Training courses
Combining RAISEonline Training with the NEW RAISEonline Governor Training Course is also an excellent combination supporting schools Nationally to ensure school Governing Bodies understand their school RAISEonline Summary Report, fulfil their Leadership and Management responsibilities and support School Evaluation and Improvement.
Alternatively contact us by telephone/email to speak to one of our Senior School Improvement Consultants to discuss your schools needs and options and request a Personalised School Improvement Training package.
About Us
We specialise in Analyse School Performance (ASP) training for all schools and local authorities, analysing your school’s performance and progress. From 2006 until 2017, we have provided RAISEonline Courses across the country to thousands of schools.
Our mission is to provide quality and multifaceted consultancy in education and training in Early Years settings, Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, Special Schools, Church Schools and Independent Schools.
Analyse School Performance training and consultancy sessions can be personalised to support the professional development needs of your school team and offer consultancy support to: Head Teachers, Deputy Head Teachers, Senior Management Teams, Subject Leaders, SENCO’s, Gifted and Talented Leaders, Class teachers, Newly Qualified Teachers, Learning Support Assistants and Governors.
You can select your audience – Training can be 1:1 for Head teachers and Deputies, for particular focus groups or whole staff teams.